Oil on masonite
80 x 115 cm
Donation of “Premio Nazionale Arti Visive Città di Gallarate” in 1953
From his very earliest works (1912–1913), Prampolini's poetics were closely connected to the two greatest exponents of Futurism: Boccioni and Balla.
He later wrote a series of manifestos for the Futurists, including Costruzioni Assolute di Motorumore, dedicated to the creation of objects in movement, and the manifesto of Scenografia Futurista, in which he laid the foundations for his theatrical poetics.
His works are distinguished for their strong orientation towards plastic objectification: pure painting and object realism thus coexist in this Futurist phase, as seen in the work Simultaneità architettonica (1921).
From the end of the 1930s until his death, Prampolini produced a series of mixed-media works, combining collage and realism with a free mark inspired by cosmic spaces. (EZ)